Havoc Records


DS-13 "Killed the Kids"

The second LP from this Swedish band who play more of an early '80s, raw thrash sound on this album. The guitars are less distorted and grindy sounding than their early releases. Comparable to bands like Minor Threat, Poison Idea and such, and the cover features original art by hardcore hero, Pushead.

Track Listing:

1. Lie
2. Vi Skatar, Dom Dor
3. Diy Killed By The Kids
4. In The Name Of Revolution
5. We're Hardcore, You're Not
6. Bastard Bizkit
7. Stold
8. I Am The Bastard
9. Nato Sucks
10. Proletarian Song
11. Watch Out
12. Umea Hardcore
13. Not My Fight
14. Technology Crisi
15. I Don't Trust You
16. I Don't Need You
17. Thrash Lifestyle
18. I Don't Wanna Be A Skinhead
19. Total War
20. C.i.s.s.
21. What's The Point?
22. Media Blitz