Revelation Buttons & Pins

Battery "Logo" - Button $2.00
Be Well "Logo" - Button $2.00
Beyond "Logo (Black)" - Button $2.00
Beyond "No Longer At Ease" - Button $2.00
Big Laugh "Logo" - Button $2.00
Bold "Logo (Yellow On Blue)" - Button $2.00
Bold "Speak Out" - Square Button $3.00
Burn "Logo (Black)" - Button $2.00
Burn "Logo (White)" - Button $2.00
Burn "Record Cover" - Button $2.00
Burn "s/t" - Square Button $2.50
Chain Of Strength "Logo" - Button $2.00
Chain Of Strength "True Till Death" - Square Button $2.50
Dag Nasty "Logo" - Button $2.00
Dare "Logo" - Button $2.00
Down To Nothing "Logo (Green On Yellow)" - Button $2.00
Down To Nothing "Logo (White On Black)" - Button $2.00
Elliott "False Cathedrals" - Button $2.00
Elliott "U.S. Songs" - Button $2.00
Fall Silent "Skull" - Button $2.00
Farside "Logo (Black On Blue)" - Button $2.00
Farside "Logo (White On Black)" - Button $2.00
Gameface "Logo" - Button $2.00
Gorilla Biscuits "Gorilla" - Button $2.00
Gorilla Biscuits "Logo (Blue)" - Button $2.00
Gorilla Biscuits "Logo (Red)" - Button $2.00
Gorilla Biscuits "Mustache Man" - Button $2.00
Gorilla Biscuits "Start Today" - Square Button $3.00
Inside Out "Logo (Black On White)" - Button $2.00
Inside Out "Logo (White On Black)" - Button $2.00
Inside Out "No Spiritual Surrender" - Square Button $2.50
Into Another "Dragonfly" - Button $2.00
Judge "Bringin' It Down" - Square Button $3.00
Judge "Hammers" - Button $2.00
Judge "Logo" - Button $2.00
Judge "New York Crew" - Square Button $2.50
Morning Again "Survival Instinct" - Button $2.00
Mouthpiece "Can't Kill What's Inside" - Button $2.00
No For An Answer "You Laugh" - Square Button $2.50
Planet On A Chain "Logo" - Button $2.00
Planet On A Chain "Werewolf" - Button $2.00
Praise "All In A Dream" - Button $2.00
Primal Rite "Live Photo" - Button $2.00
Primal Rite "Logo" - Button $2.00
Quicksand "Logo" - Button $2.00
Quicksand "s/t" - Square Button $2.50
Revelation Records "Yellow Star" - Button $2.00
Search "Logo" - Button $2.00
Sense Field "Logo" - Button $2.00
Shelter "Logo" - Button $2.00
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